The seventh and final day is dedicated to the seventh principle. This day will be filled with self-reflection and considering your pledges from the previous days. 

Day 7 of Kwanzaa: Imani

The principle of Imani is defined as faith. Though it’s the last principle, it’s widely believed that you might find it hard to adhere to the others without it. That’s why your pledge on this day will be “to believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.”

With the focus on faith, it’s typical to have a scheduled time of self-reflection and meditation while thinking about renewal. In fact, the last day of Kwanzaa is usually called Siku ya Taamuli or the Day of Meditation.

A few of the questions you can ask yourself are “Who am I?”, “Am I really who I say I am?” and “Am I all I ought to be?” as well as queries about your interest in faith.

Since the focus is on faith, some people use this day to contemplate how they can adhere to the traditional beliefs of their ancestors. If you do that, you may find some traditions that you can uphold that will be beneficial to you and your loved ones. Others opt to explore other religious systems that align with how they inherently feel. 

Of course, the act of faith isn’t just spiritual. It can relate to having faith in yourself and your ability to accomplish the goals you’ve set. You can also have faith in your loved ones and others in the community to keep their word based on what everyone decided to take on during the celebration of Kwanzaa. 

Day 7 of Kwanzaa is celebrated on January 1st.


How To Celebrate Imani

The last day’s festivities start the same way as the other days. The leader asks the group, “Habari gani?” or “What’s happening?” and everyone replies with Imani to indicate that the day is dedicated to the principle of faith.

The leader says a prayer and the older adults prepare the libations as well as the unity cup or cups. Once this is done,

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