I have a question about my Saturn Return. Some online calculators have told me mine is coming up soon. Is there anything I can do to prepare? What should I expect? I’m worried it will throw my life upside down!

Saturn transits are a source of anxiety for many people. The first Saturn return has a particularly bad reputation. Forewarned is forearmed, and so knowing the nature of Saturn energy, how Saturn works in your own natal chart, when the effects will hit and how long they last will help with this.

The good news is that Saturn is reliable and predictable in its demands. This is a slow-moving process and it takes about three years for Saturn to move through an astrological house. Saturn represents the way you experience the universe as you have structured it. Saturn energy requires discipline and hard work and shows what is real and tangible. Saturn transits are long-lasting so that we have time to get it right, because whatever comes from Saturn energy will last a long time. Delayed rewards, elevated quality, and finely crafted objects and situations are hallmarks of Saturn energy. Whenever transiting Saturn aspects a planet in your natal chart, you are being required to throw out what doesn’t work for the long haul, and to work hard to create a solid world for yourself. The Saturn return happens when transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Saturn, and it happens about every 28–29 years. The first Saturn return is considered a coming-of-age transit, when we truly become adults.

Your natal Saturn is in Pisces in your 8th house. transiting Saturn is currently almost a whole house away from your natal Saturn, and so it’s a little early to be gearing up for the “hit.” You are having an important Saturn transit right now though! Transiting Saturn is conjunct with your Descendant, and it has to go through your entire 7th house before it’s conjuncts with your natal Saturn. While Saturn goes through your 7th house, you will feel pressure concerning partnerships of all kinds. Close relationships will become more demanding and can feel restrictive. Some relationships will end and others will deepen and become more committed and official. Saturn energy has a traditional, almost old-fashioned feeling about it and people often get legally married or break up when Saturn transits their 7th house. You are learning about expectations and commitment in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. You won’t be feeling the beginning of your actual Saturn return until spring of 2024. It will be completed in 2026.Transiting Saturn is currently almost a whole house away from your natal Saturn, and so it’s a little early to be gearing up for the “hit.” You are having an important Saturn transit right now though! Transiting Saturn is conjunct with your Descendant, and it has to go through your entire 7th house before it’s conjunct with your natal Saturn. While Saturn goes through your 7th house, you will feel pressure concerning partnerships of all kinds. Close relationships will become more demanding and can feel restrictive. Some relationships will end and others will deepen and become more committed and official. Saturn energy has a traditional, almost old-fashioned feeling about it and people often get legally married or break up when Saturn transits their 7th house. You are learning about expectations and commitment in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. You won’t be feeling the beginning of your actual Saturn return until spring of 2024. It will be completed in 2026.

Saturn conjunct Saturn will force you to consider if you have been living your life as you feel you should, or as other people expect you to. You will be cutting away excess in your life. Voluntarily let go of what isn’t working, and put quality effort into building up whatever is genuine and true for you. Try not to suffer over the loss of the things you are giving up. You are making room for something better and more solid. In your case, your Saturn return will also have a strong effect on several other planets. You will be pushed into dealing with issues that you are accustomed to, but in a more tangible way. You will not be allowed to avoid issues that you have ignored in these areas.

Your Saturn return will be in your 8th house of shared resources and other people’s values. You will learn how to integrate other people’s values into your life without abandoning your own values. The 8th house is also about deep psychology and self-examination. On a practical level, the 8th house brings up issues with taxes, insurance and inheritance and forces you to walk the straight and narrow when it comes to those things. The 8th house also addresses matters concerning death. It is very rare that 8th house transits bring your own death, but you may become psychologically and intellectually interested in death and death-related issues as subjects. Hidden information, including occult subjects, are also 8th house matters, and you could become very focused on some kind of research during Saturn’s transit though your 8th house.

The sun and moon are the two main “lights” in a chart, and both are involved in this transit for you. Issues concerning your personal and domestic life could leave you temporarily feeling isolated and somewhat depressed. Difficulties in relationships are likely, but this is all to guide you into a balance between your development as an individual and your connection to your roots. At the same time, you will be getting many opportunities for achievement. Hard work will be required, but the rewards for that work will be long-lasting and satisfying.

Take heart in the fact that everyone your age is going through their Saturn return at the same time that you are. Those born near the same time as you will also be having the same outer planet transits as you, including when Saturn aspects to Neptune and Pluto. This brings about an unusual balance between your material and spiritual needs. You and many others will be bringing your spiritual ideas into focus in the material world, giving you a new, more mature perspective and an ability to bring your ideals into reality. You will also be forming a deeper understanding of your own ambitions. You will have the ability to work harder than you ever have before in a controlled manner, and this will serve you well.

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