When it comes to knowing your spiritual self Suan Khiani believes it begins with finding out who your Kemetic clan is. This Germantown-based astrologer said its starts with getting ancient astrological charts based on the African sidereal and Indian Vedic methods. These he said predate the more popular Tropical astrological methods Americans use that were developed in Hellenistic societies later.

This was his message during two recent sessions that drew full houses to Ausar Auset Society’s headquarters at 6008 Germantown Ave. The “Kamatic Origin of Astrology” on Aug. 19 was followed by “Know Your Kamatic Clan” on Sunday.

“In the ancient traditions they grouped people according to their clan,” Khiani said. “Before you can know that you have to know how this system worked. It’s a very spiritual system that has Kemetic origins long before the time of Napoleon or the Europeans coming to Africa. The Europeans adapted the system and got some of it wrong.

“What they do is base everything on Aries at 0 degrees. That’s how they start the zodiac. There is a mathematical process as the universe changes that is involved. That starting point changes also. So the Europeans use the Tropical system based on the seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter. In Kemet, in Africa, they used Sidereal system and when it went east to India they called it Vedic,” Khiani said.

Khani’s Aug. 19 discussion traced how many of the astrological and other spiritual writings of Africa are now being found. He challenged the misnomer that some European scholars assert that Africans had no recorded history. Or, the claims that Hellenistic astrology is the oldest form of the spiritual art. “The Greeks took credit for astrology, but memoirs that are being unearthed prove that much of it was stolen,” he said.

As far as Vedic astrology, Khiani said that most Indians will acknowledge it has its origins in Cush on the African continent. He pointed out that the Indian Cush people are descendants of those from the ancient African kingdom. “Many of the Indian Cush people are darker than most of the people here. The only difference is they may have a little finer and curlier hair,” Khiani said.

Khiani also touched on the timing of the Age of Aquarius. He said that using the Kemetic system this age will start in about 140 years. Yet, he said, that we are only 3 degrees away from it. So, the generations who are alive now are laying the foundation for the exit from the Age of Pisces. He attributed much of the unrest in the world, even with the presidential elections, to this shift. “Three degrees or less are critical degrees in the shifting of energies,” he said.

Astrologer Tamera Baggett says she found the Vedic system is more reliable. Since the universe is progressing the signs also go through cycles, she said. So, many people will find that their sun sign is actually the sign before what they believe it to be.

“I found my chart to be more accurate using the ancient systems,” Baggett said. “I use it on my clients. Often the actual readings doesn’t change that much because you have to look at the whole chart not just the sun sign. The Synastry charts, when you combine two people in relationship to each other, does not change that much. It just fine-tunes the reading better.”

Baggett agreed that the Age of Aquarius is upon us. She, however, is quick to point to when Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2025 as the clear beginning of the manifestation of the shift. “Right now Pluto is in Capricorn, which represents capitalism and status quo is undergoing major transformations and shifting toward the new age,” Baggett said.

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