Sarah Spohn

Scott Kelly first turned to yoga for relief from competitively running and coaching for years. While yoga indeed brought comfort, he quickly realized the benefits from yoga weren’t just physical, but also emotional and mental. He was hooked. 

After ample practice multiple times per week, Kelly, a former middle school and high school teacher, got even more serious and began yoga training in Philadelphia. But his roots are right here in Mid-Michigan.  

“My first experience teaching yoga was at Gardner International Magnet School in Lansing, actually,” Kelly said of the sixth-grade program focused on social and emotional wellbeing. Since then, Kelly has also traveled to India for a 900-hour yoga therapist training.  

The idea of opening up his own yoga studio had been in the back of Kelly’s mind for a few years, and was pushed back a bit during COVID-19 when he began teaching yoga more online. In January, Kelly signed a lease for his yoga studio, finalized the name the next month and opened for business on May 5.  

The space is roughly 1,000 square feet, with lots of natural light. The overall vibe is refreshing and renewing, yoga teacher Mariah Knight said. “It is filled with happy plants that bring life into the space and unique yogic decor that remind you of the beautiful roots of our yoga practice. The word Surya means sun, and that’s exactly what I feel walking into the studio. The studio has a very warm, welcoming, calming energy. You can’t help but be happy and at ease there.” 

Kelly also explained the studio’s Sanskrit namesake. Surya translates to sun and Sangha translates to community — both are represented and reflected within this new business and its sunflower logo. 

“I chose the word ‘Sangha’ because my vision for the space is to foster community connections, partnerships and to have others offer classes, workshops and events here,” Kelly said. “I chose the location for that reason, too. It’s on a main street, but in the middle of the Eastside Neighborhood, so the studio has a neighborhood vibe, especially being attached to a residential house.” 

Surya Yoga Sangha has many various classes and workshops for all levels, to help reduce stress and relocate your center — including yoga basics, reiki flow or restorative yin, meditation, breathwork, mantras and topics from the sutras. Classes are available for drop-in rates, five-or-10 class packages, or unlimited monthly passes. Monday features donation-based classes, which often goes towards a local nonprofit, like the Greater Lansing Food Bank.  

“One goal of mine is to make sure yoga is accessible to all and is supportive of the community, even those who may not have a practice of their own,” Kelly said. “I hope to see the space attract people who are looking for a soft place to land for deep self-care.” 

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