In many ways, the astrologers are the beating heart of the show – similar to the role of the “experts” on Married At First Sight, if you’ve ever seen it. The three of them – Oddie, Knight and Colin Bedell – each bring something different, personality-wise, but clearly work in tandem. Bedell is polished, American, like someone who’d thrive on Queer Eye. He doesn’t get emotionally invested in the couples because “I’m a Capricorn moon, and that’s not our role”. Knight, meanwhile, is a force of feelings. You can feel them coming off her in waves. “I’m like a proud mother,” she says. “I have all the feels.”

For Knight, astrology is no joke, and the premise of the show is no gimmick. It’s in her blood. “My mother was a psychic and I grew up in a magical household,” she says. “It changed my life, it saved my life, it transformed my life. I had a very traumatic childhood and I 100 percent believe that astrology guided me. My birth chart was the parents that weren’t there for me – it really is that deep.”

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