The elegant gateway to paradise in the mountains opens with the Summer Solstice. The start of Cancer, the home of the archetypal goddess, brings us the longest days of the year. The Sun has moved from loquacious Gemini to the lush heart of summer.

The Sun enters nurturing Cancer, and attention flows to families, children and friends. Wildflowers are blooming and celebrations are flowering. Transformations and challenges are being activated by planetary movements in the greater world around us. Let us listen to President Lincoln who had beseeched us to be guided by the better angels of our nature.

Aries – Although it may have seemed only yesterday that you celebrated your birthday, and held high the gateway to Spring, Summer now reigns. Jupiter, the planet of fortune, has started its visit to your sign, along with energetic Mars, your ruler. Start to envision your powerful future.

Taurus – Summer pulls us forward magnetically into our future. Your guide, the goddess Venus, remains for a month in loquacious Gemini, allowing the ideas from this lively sign to invigorate your dreams for the elegant Summer that stretches before you like a relaxed cat in the sun.

Gemini – The archetypal goddess guides Cancer and the Summer Solstice. Having finished a reversal phase, you are back online with the quicksilver messenger, your guide Mercury, as well as artistic Venus, both in Gemini. You can now create both the words and music for your life.

Cancer – Happy Birthday and thank you for bringing the Summer Solstice to the land! All of the challenges that our land and planet are experiencing, you explain, can be solved by the salve of love. To illustrate this concept, you cherish home and families and love and togetherness.

Leo – Now that Cancer is leading the summer celebrations, you know that you are the next sign to reign over the animals of the zodiac. Therefore, with prescience, you are starting to review the past year that you have experienced and thus beginning to set the goals for your new year ahead.

Virgo – Certain astrological factors are coalescing to make this Summer significant for you. When the Summer Solstice arrives you are given a glimpse of the future that you want to manifest. Your opposite sign, Pisces, is also opening your awareness to global issues.

Libra – The Summer Solstice is leading the social sign of Libra into complex, rewarding and challenging interpersonal relationships. Fortunate Jupiter has entered Aries, your opposite sign of partnerships, expanding your roles with others, an area in which you have expertise.

Scorpio – Partnerships, creativity and personal expansion are the Summer themes for Scorpio. The Sun has now entered nurturing Cancer, joining psychic Neptune in Pisces and your own sign to form a supportive emotional network for you as you embrace this flow from cosmic channels.

Sagittarius – The Summer Solstice brings the world into a lush new phase. You also are noting the astrological shift that your guide, fortunate Jupiter, has made. Jupiter was honoring collective consciousness in intuitive Pisces and now has shifted to the sign of the individual, Aries.

Capricorn – The two great archetypes of the year, Summer and Winter, are embodied in Cancer and Capricorn. The Summer Solstice brings you into an active phase with romance, partnerships and clients in high focus. Expect to make excellent accomplishments in the month ahead.

Aquarius – Summer is here! Saturn, who demands perfection, continues in your sign, especially inspiring you in your career in a hard working phase. Remember to make room for friends and festivities as we embrace the lush season that has arrived, because it will depart all too soon.

Pisces – The gateway to Summer has arrived. The world around us is lush and lovely and tumultuous as well. We remember that President Lincoln spoke about the mystic chords of memory, binding us to the families and friendships who resonate at the core of our being.

Karen Anderson is at Blue Owl Books on the weekends. She can be reached at 303-258-7258.

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