A new year is coming, and it’s very probable that you are thinking about creating new habits and making changes in your lifestyle, or even just going after a big goal. Numerology could help you know what things you focus on in 2023. 

Based on astrology, numerology believes that all numbers have a deeper meaning and can be used as a message from the Universe. In Western astrology, all numbers are associated with different aspects. 

2023 will be a Universal Year 7, which means that its major themes will be spirituality, self-reflection, science and more. However, just as with zodiac signs, you can know what the new year will bring according to your personal number. 

2023 predictions based on numerology 

To know what your personal year number is, you just have to add the numbers of your birth date and month to the Universal Year, which in this case is 2023. The idea is that you get a number between 1 and 9. 

For example, let’s say you were born on April, 13.  you will have to add: 1+ 3 (day) + 4 (month) to 7 (which is the Universal Year Number of 2023), and the result would be 15, you then add 1+5, and your personal year number would be 6. Check out the predictions, according to numerologist Gita Hariani: 

What your personal year number means for 2023

PY 1: It’s about a fresh start and new beginnings, putting yourself first and starting to create what you want in life. 

PY 2: If 2 is your number, this will be a year center in relationships, whether work-related or personal. The idea is to build new partnerships, and have patience.  

PY 3: This would be a year to try new experiences, learn new things, create a new business, have fun and get more out of life. It’s all about communication and self-expression. 

PY4: A personal year number 4 is more centered in planning, and concentrating on work to reach your goals. 

PY 5: This is a year for changes, surprises, freedom and new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to do things in a different way. 

PY 6: The main themes of a Year 6 are home, family, marriage and beauty. It’s about strengthening the bonds you have with your family and colleagues. Also, you can concentrate on your financial wealth. 

PY 7: Just as 2023, this year will be about self-discovery, intuition and reflection. You might focus on rest, rejuvenation, spiritual discoveries. Having time in nature and thinking about your beliefs will be important. 

PY 8: It’s a year to manifestate, be a leader, reach your goals. It would be all about empowerment and creating financial wealth for yourself and others. 

PY 9: This is a year of culmination, release, and wisdom. This year will make space for the next nine year cycle. Old patterns/behaviors may cease to exist, and it’s a year of endings. 

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