Literary men, philosophers, mathematicians, astrologers, merchants, secretaries, diviners, sculpturers, poets, orators, advocates, schoolmasters, stationers, printers, exchangers of money, attorneys, commissioners, clerks, artificers (designer), accomptants (experts) solicitors, sometimes thieves, prattling muddy ministers, grammarians, tailors, carriers, messengers, footmen, usurers (money lenders).

Places & Colours

Tradesmen’s shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, ordinaries (commons), tennis courts. Mixed and new colours, grey mixed with sky-colour, or consisting of many colours mixed in one. 


Herbs attributed to Mercury are known by the mixed colour of the flower; they love sandy barren places; they bear their seed in husks or cobs, they smell rarely or subtlety, and have principle relation to the tongue, brain, lungs or memory; they dispel wind and comfort the animal spirits and open obstructions. the walnut and walnut tree; the eldertree, adders tongue, dragonwort, aniseed, marjoram. Herbs that are used for the muses and divination, such as vervain. (Interesting!)

Manners when well placed

A man of a subtle and political brain, intellect, and using much eloquence in his speech, a searcher into all kinds of mysteries and learning, sharp and witty, learning almost anything without a teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every science, desirous naturally of travel and seeing foreign parts: curious in the search of any occult knowledge; able by his own genius to produce wonders; given to divination and the more secret knowledge; if he turn merchant, no man exceeds him in a way of trade or invention of new ways to obtain wealth.

Manners when badly placed

A troublesome wit, a kind of frenetic man, his tongue and pen against every man, a great liar, boaster, prattler, busybody, false, a tale-carrier, given to wicked arts, as necromancy and such like ungodly knowledges; easy of belief, an ass or very idiot, cheating and thieving everywhere; a news-monger, pretending all manner of knowledge, but guilty of no true or solid learning; a trifler; a mere frantic fellow; easily perverted, constant in nothing but idle words and bragging.

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